Scare Eye Ballon

Scare Eye Ballon

These scare eye balloons are 2′ in diameter and brightly colored with large metallic eyes and mylar flash tape streamers. The idea is that they move in the wind and are used to deter woodpeckers and other pest birds that do property damage. To be really effective change colored balloons and locations frequently.

Working Principle
Based on Birds’ Good Eyesight
The function of scaring birds away is based on the remarkable vision of birds. Good eyesight is essential for safe flights and landings. At the same time, this exceptional vision is what makes visual bird deterrents so effective. When placing or hanging visual bird deterrents in and around your property, birds are frighten away from treated areas by the optical scare triggers such as predator features, motion, or reflective surfaces. Small birds are especially skittish about what they see.

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