It takes work to till, plant and weed a garden. But the results are worth it—flowers, fruits and vegetables you can proudly share with family and friends. The problem is birds. They like your garden too.
Pest Birds Can Destroy a Garden
Without effective bird controls, pest birds like sparrows, swallows, pigeons and crows can wreak havoc on your garden. Songbirds will show no mercy to your broccoli, corn, green peas, snap peas, apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, currants, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries and strawberries. You’ll know you have a problem if patches of young seedlings completely disappear, or the tops of your young plants are chewed off, or if you notice bites taken out of the berries as they ripen.
Mocking birds, orioles and thrashers, for example, will eat your oranges. Bluebirds, finches, robins and waxwings love to feast on grapes. Starlings will go after your cherries. Regardless of the fruit you’re growing, there’s a bird that will “beat you to the pickin.” Birds also won’t hesitate to crater your lawn while they dig for bugs. In times of drought, birds will eat many different fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes and melons.
If you want know more to solve the bird problem,please contact us.