While it is quite a beautiful sight watching birds fly from a tree or building, to pick straw and hay from a distance, return to the tree and create something as beautiful as nest over time, the possible fire hazards are utterly significant.
Rooftops, buildings, electric poles, building vents, electrical signs, chimney flues, etc., are the sites of choice for birds to situate their nests. You may find these bird nests harmless or even admirable, but the fact is that they can cause visible damage. Still in doubt? Get a pile of dry leaves, light a stick of cigarette, throw on the pile of leaves. Stand by and observe.
Birds often build their nests on top of security lights. Sometimes, these birds even go through the trouble of making nests inside of lighted signs or other electrical equipment. With a little damage to electrical wiring or with the nature of the heat from electric devices, a raging fire might be created that can destroy a building.
With a simple action such as dropping sticks one at a time into an end of a pipe, the bird will easily create a platform to nest upon. But by doing this, it is creating a blockage in the ventilation. And if not taken care of, this can force bad gas such as carbon monoxide back into the room. When birds weave their nests in air vents, it causes an obstruction of airflow. When vents are blocked, lint begins to clog inside of vents, and the dryer will start to run less effectively. When left unchecked, it can cause the dryer to fail entirely. When such quantity of lint and fluff accumulates in the air vents, it may cause a swift raging fire. Clogging of air vents, blocking of airflow, and accumulation of dirt in air ducts are the most common causes of household fires.
Bird control is nessecery, come and contact us for more solutions.