About the Stainless Steel Bird Spikes

The industry standard for professional bird control spikes have traditionally been a polycarbonate base with stainless steel spikes. They are light and easy to break into smaller pieces by hand, however they breakdown under the harsh UV. Even when they contain UV inhibitors, they become brittle within a few years under the sun and can break off with light force.

The market is now seeing the introduction of more durable and better performing bird spikes made entirely from stainless steel. The advantage of a reliable product is that it ensures the job gets done right the first time. An efficient installation benefits Pest Controllers and their clients.

In addition to withstanding UV radiation, full stainless steel spikes outperform and outlast other spikes in other ways. They come in larger pieces for faster installation, allowing installers to complete their job in less than half the time of foot long spikes. The stainless steel base is also malleable, allowing greater flexibility to conform to curved surfaces such as signages.

Stainless Steel Bird Spikes are the most effective, durable and maintenance method to stop seagulls, pigeons & birds roosting, perching or landing on the edge of your house with their mess or squawking in early hours of the morning.

Each spike is constructed from 100% high-grade #304 stainless steel, which protects against rust, UV and chemical degradation, even in coastal areas.

Being the most professional anti-bird spikes manufacturer in China, we have a large variety of stainless steel bird spikes in different base, manufacturing process, and defence areas. You can find welding base stainless steel bird spikes, pigeon spikes can be installed on gutter, roof, chimney, balcony, and so on! Browse the folloing bird spike modles and feel free to contact us to get free quotation.

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